
movement collective

We make dance for and about people.

All photos are by BeccaVision unless mentioned.


sarAika contemporary class

2/15/2025 1:30-3:00pm
@IATI Theater Studio (64 E 4th ST, 2nd Floor, NY 10003)

We focus on utilizing the full range of motion by promoting joint fluidity, dynamic weight shifting, moving from the spine, and reflective floorwork. By understanding how the inside and outside space coexist and how creating space inside our body reflects outside space, we can dance in a wider, more organic way. We prioritize more joints efficiency and momentum, encouraging dancers to use organic body functions rather than power to achieve their desired movements. This allows us to dance bigger without relying on brute force, utilizing the effective use of joints and momentum to create fluid, dynamic movements. 

sarAika contemporary class

3/15/2025 15:00-17:00
@Acco Spaceμ
(大阪市住之江区北加賀屋5丁目 4-19 MIU kitakagaya3階)

【対象者】中上級レベル 高校生以上(目安コンテ歴5年以上)、もしくはチャレンジしたい方も大歓迎

sarAika contemporary class

3/23/2025 13:00-15:00
(大阪市中央区森ノ宮中央1-3-13 森ノ宮中央ビル1階)

【対象者】中級レベル 高校生以上(目安コンテ歴3年以上)、チャレンジしたい中学生以上

What we offer

Perform our works at your event

We’ve performed for over 70 events throughout NYC and broadly since 2021.

Create your work

We do commit to maximize your company’s artistry and dancers abilities.

Model for your arts

For students to professional artists.
From basic line to complexed shape.
Your artistry × our artistry

Share our methodology

Full range of motion by:
Joints fluidity, Dynamic weight shifting, Reflective floor-work. And how creating space inside our body reflects outside space.

Our mission

sarAika movement collective advocates for diversity, equity, and inclusion in the dance ecosystem. As spokeswomen of immigrants, women, POC, and queer in NYC, we strive to create art representing and empowering the communities we belong to.

sarAika makes dance for and about people.

About us

Sara Pizzi

Choreographer, dancer, director,

conceptual artist

Sara Pizzi (she/her) is a dancer, choreographer, conceptual artist and director from Italy. In 2020, Sara defined her creative space S|R|P|Z collaborating with local artists in order to achieve her goal of creating art as a non-activist documentary of this world to explain what it should be changed, to give some possibilities of change and create space of reflection. 

Aika Takeshima

Dance artist, choreographer,

DEI practitioner

Aika Takeshima(she/her) is a dance artist, choreographer, DEI practitioner, and co-director of the sarAika movement collective from Japan. She is also a founder of “LIVABALL,” a DEI (Diversity Inclusion Equity) consultant. She creates dance works and advocates for a more inclusive society for her ultimate goal: to help people find more freedom and possibilities in themselves, aiming to make society more livable to all.

What others are saying about our past works

Contribution for us means

As immigrants, women, POC, and queer, we strive to create art that represents and empowers the communities to which we belong. Our collective comprises artists from our communities who perform and produce artworks that reflect topical aspects and personal insights delivered for our communities to spark empowerment, reflection, and inspiration.
If you believe in the power of art to empower communities, we would appreciate your support and donation. Every small or large donation is appreciated and fundamental in realizing our dreams and empowering our communities.

Subscribe to our newsletter

Sign up to keep up with our newest projects. Exclusive news – constantly be updated about what’s next – sneak peeks and more details about each project!

Get In Touch

Questions or requests to our shows/creation/class/ws, or any ideas from you!

We are very open and happy to chat with you!

Send us messages!

Thank you so much!

We promise to use your support to solidifying a community which involves artists, non-artists, minorities and young artists.

So that you can know about how your support will be used, we will send you our projects/reports by newsletter.

Thank you so much for joining us!

We are very happy and excited, as you see in this photo!
Stay tuned about all our future projects, special sneak peaks, undiscovered stories/photos and other benefits !

Thank you so much for contacting us!

We are very happy and excited about your message, as you see in this photo!
We will reply back to you as soon as we can!